Hello friends,
"The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a state depend"
In this world of Technology our lifestyle has dramatically changed, we start our day with messages and then our hustle start and at the evening we either listen to news which are almost negative or we spend some time with family. In this busy lifestyle, Are we caring about ourself? NOT AT ALL.
As its says "Health is Wealth".
In my view the most important gift by God to human being is BODY. And we are using it unconditionally and have no care about it. I read somewhere that "Bad thing about young age is that they don't know how it feel being old, if they know they probably care about their body first".
Maintaining your health is foundation.
So today I came up with 6 basic keys for a good Health which you can easily follow yourself.
1.Power of Breath
The foundation of health is healthy bloodstream. the system that transports oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of your body.So system is the bloodstream and control button for that system is Breathing.
Questions arrive is What is most effective way to breath in order to cleanse your system?
You should breath in this ratio:
Inhale one count, hold four counts, exhale two counts.
For example, if you inhaled for four second, you would hold for sixteen and exhale for eight.
Take 10 of these deep breathe 3 times a day.
Remember no one can substitute Consistency.
2.The Principle of Eating water rich food
Eighty percent of our body is made up of water. What do you think a large percent of your diet should contain?
You need to make certain that 70 percent of your diet is made up of foods that are rich in water. The amount of water you drink should be dictated by thirst because you can't cleanse your system by drowning it.
3.The Principle of effective food combining
Different food are digested differently.
Starchy food like rice, bread, potatoes require alkaline digestive medium, which is supplied in the mouth by enzyme ptyalin.
Protein food like meat, dairy, nuts require an acid medium for digestion.
And its law of chemistry that acid and alkali cannot work at the same time. They neutralize each other. Make sure you don't eat starchy carbohydrate and protein at the same meal.
4.Law of controlled consumption
Medical study found that surest way to increase an animal's life span is to cut down on the amount of food it eats. A famous researcher concluded that Undernutrition is the only method known to consistently retards the ageing process and extends the maximum life span of warm blooded animals.
So the message is simple and clear: Eat less, live more. If you want to eat large quantities of food, you can. Just make sure they are water rich foods.
5. Principle of effective food consumption
Fruit is the most perfect food. It takes least amount of energy to digest and gives your body the most in return.
What you want is something that is easy to digest, that helps cleanse the body. When you wake up, and for as long into the day as is comfortably possible, eat fresh fruit or freshly fruit juice.
6.Protein Myth
Why we need protein?
For Energy? Let's look into this...
For energy our body first uses Glucose from fruits,vegetables and sprouts. Then it uses starch. Then fat and at the last protein. Excess protein provides the body with excess nitrogen, which causes fatigue.
So conclusion is that we need not to maintain our diet on protein oriented instead we can set it as fruit, rich water food oriented.
Friends I am not dietician, instead I always try to follow t these six points.
I learned this things from book UNLIMITED POWER written by Unthony Robbins. If you want to learn deeply about all these points I will recommend you to read chapter 10 of this book.
These Six keys can be yours to use to create the experience of health you desire.Take a moment and imagine yourself a month from now having actually followed the principle and concepts we have talked about.
For every disciplined effort there is multiple reward.
Start today and it will change your life forever.